The New BlackBerry 10 Phones

BlackBerry has felt the pressure from the mobile wars. There has been an increased attention and focus on the need for the mobile device to be more capable then just reading emails and scale down browsers. After much holding back for a long time, Research in Motion (RIM) has decided to do a major revamp of its Blackberry smartphones. The new BlackBerry 10 phones in future will ditch the old RIM operating systems and utilize a whole new platform altogether. Lets take a look at what are the major differences in the new BlackBerry 10 operating system.
1. A whole new QNX operating system.
Even though QNX is not a new player in the tech industry. Joining the mobile war is a whole new venture. QNX technology is normally used in hardware that we use in cars, such as navigation systems or complex audio systems that come with configurable panels. BlackBerry has officially bought over the whole company and will play this as their trump card from now.
2. Stability and reliability
With every new operating system, there will be the fear and concern for bugs and problems. Thankfully with the foundation laid down from the past and the research and testing that is done on the BlackBerry playbook. The kinks and issues have been tackled so that the future BlackBerry 10 phones will look its best.
3. What is new in this BlackBerry 10 OS?
One of the major features that will be Incorporated in this new BlackBerry 10 operating system will be multi-tasking. It will also remove the physical Qwerty keyboard and use a touch screen version like many other current smartphones. But before you cry in dismay for the loss of the keyboard since most BlackBerry uses are addicted to the tactile feel, the BlackBerry CEO has promised that they will let the keyboard version of those phones make a come back.
There is one major difference that the BlackBerry’s current touch screen keyboard is that it will start to display word suggestions based on it’s predictive system. The suggested words will be listed on top of certain alphabets so that it will be easier to find the word you are typing. For instance. Typing the words BlackBerry. The moment after keying the word Black, it will show BlackJack on top of the letter ‘J’ and Blackwater on top of the alphabet ‘ W’ and the word BlackBerry will show top top of the alphabet ‘B’. This makes it easy for users to find the correct word they wish to type instead of looking at the top of the keyboard and going through word by word.
If you only take one glance at the new BlackBerry phone, you may think that it is a Windows phone 7 and look away. It possess the “tile” interface look from Windows phone 7. With the physical keyboard removed from this device, the larger screen makes it possible for them to use bigger icons for better image quality. After all, the BlackBerry company promises a powerful 4.2 inch 1280×768 resoultion screen which is better then the iPhone 4S that only has a 3.5 inch screen with a 960 x 940 resoultion.
Judging from the what we can get and read out there, the BlackBerry device don’t seem to be that competitive at the moment since it is going to lose the fan base who use BlackBerry simply for the keyboard. The current protoype does not come with an SD card slot too. I hope this is just because it is a prototype. SD card slots have always been a winning edge over iPhones. I also admire BlackBerry for coming out with a phone that really suits an office executive and it weighs lighter then other phones.
Lets see if the final product will deliver shockwaves to the mobile market or barely a whimper.
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