Use Windows Mobile Phone As Router

Welcome to this article on how to use Windows Mobile Phone as router. Most newer high end models of Windows Mobile smartphones already come with the router software pre-installed. But some lower end models that run Windows Mobile 6.1 or 6.5 are not given the option to do a Wi-Fi tethering using their Windows Mobile Phones.
Use Windows Mobile Phone As Router
In this article, I will provide the Wi-Fi app for Windows Mobile 6.1 and 6.5 so that everyone can use use Windows Mobile phone as router to do Wi-Fi tethering if they wish to. First of all, download the file.
Copy the file across to your Windows Mobile phone and simply install it by tapping the file. You will now have an extra icon in your programs list. Run the Wi-Fi program once first after installing and tap the “Connect” button. After that, quit the Wi-Fi program.
You will need to set the WEP Pass key first or else, everybody will be able to connect and get a free ride out of your Wi-Fi. Tap the Start Menu and select Settings, select the “Connections” tab and select the “Wi-Fi” icon.
You will see a list of Wireless Networks. Make sure that you click on the drop down menu at the bottom of screen (Network to access). To change it to show “All Avaliable” networks. Only by doing so, you will be able to view the additional setting called “WMWifiRouter.
Tap on that WMWifiRouter setting to gain access to settings that will allow you to key in your WEP key. You don’t have change every single setting. Simply enter a 10 digit numerical number of your choice into the WEP key option. This will protect your Wi-Fi from unauthorized use. You will need to enter 10 digits, no more no less or the program will not accept your entry and claim that the passkey is wrong. The passkey set in this page, is the one that you need to key on those devices that attempt to connect to your Wi-Fi router device. Only those who know your Wi-Fi key can use your network. I have included screen shots for both Windows 6.1 and Windows 6.5 for you to follow as reference.
After which you can start your Wi-Fi connection on your device and share it with everyone you wish. The file I provided on this page is the beta version which is free. Unless you wish to purchase the full version, from the company itself. This file itself will suffice as a Wi-Fi hotspot with WEP security.
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